WHY FAST & PRAY? Matthew 6:17-18
Fasting helps in: 1. Governing oneself 2. Contentment 3. Personal Growth 4. Endurance Fasting alone accomplishes little except to cause us to eat more at the next meal. Prayer by itself is often limited or blocked in some way. But prayer and fasting together produce miracles. confessions Day 1- I am sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency; I am ready for
anything and greater than anything through Him who infuses me with inner strength and confident peace…Phil. 4:13 Day 2- I will stand still, wait on God’s direction, and trust the Holy Spirit to supply me with all things I need…Phil. 4:19 Day 3- I will think on things that are true, honest, just, pure, lovely and of good report; if there be any virtue, if there be any praise, I will think on these things and God’s peace will be with me… Phil. 4:8-9 Day 4- The favor from the Lord is upon me…Prov. 12:2 Day 5- I will succeed and prosper and be in good health, even as my soul prospers spiritually…3John 1:2 Day 6- Goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life; and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever…Ps. 23:6 Day 7- This is the day the Lord hath made; I will rejoice and be glad in it…Ps 118:24 Day 8- I will bless the Lord at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth…Ps.34:1 Day 9- I will cast all my anxieties, worries and concerns upon him; for he watches over me…1 Pet. 5:7 Day 10- I will cry for help and the Lord will hear and rescue me from all my troubles…Ps. 34:17 Day 11- I am blessed in the city and blessed in the field…Duet. 28:3 Day 12- I will trust and rely confidently on the Lord with all my heart and not rely on my own insight or understanding… Prov. 3:5 Day 13- I will obey God’s word that I may be wise and successful in everything I do…Joshua 1:8 Day 14- I will not trust in my flesh, for in my flesh dwells no good thing…Rom. 7:18 Day 15- I will cast down imaginations and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, I will bring into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ…2 Cor. 10:5 Day 16- I will observe and do the commandments of God my way shall be prosperous and I shall have good success…Joshua 1:8 Day 17- I will hide in the shadow of God’s wings in the times of trouble for He is my refuge and my fortress… Ps. 91:2 Day 18- I will walk in the Spirit that I do not fulfill the lust of the flesh…Gal. 5:16 Day 19- I will be strong and courageous for I know God is with me…Joshua 1:9 Day 20 – I will rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for him…Ps 37:7 Day 21- I will receive the righteous desires of my heart when I delight myself in the Lord… Ps. 37:4
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Matthews 11:28-29 Jesus sends an invitation out to everyone who is willing to come and learn of him.
As we begin our spiritual journey with Christ we are enlightened about our daily spiritual warfare between our flesh and spirit (Romans 7:23) God must transform our carnal minds to spiritual that we may comprehend the mind of God. (Romans 12:2) An intimate relationship with God allows us to become sensitive to the nature of God and desire to be as Christ. We submit to God’s ways when we want to please God more than self. Submission comes at the high cost of dying to our fleshly desires and character and taking on the mind of Christ, which is the process of brokenness. Pride goeth before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall
Proverbs 16:18 Pride wears arrogance as a robe. Pride rejects wisdom Pride sees everyone else as inferior Pride ignores sound instruction Pride makes one rebel against correction Pride refuses needed support from others Pride refuses to examine one self Pride refuses to compromise Pride prevents resolutions Pride destroys relationships Pride makes us defensive toward God Pride justifies rather than accepts change Pride is an enemy of humility Pride will prevent growth and maturity in our lives and cause unnecessary pain, and in some instances irreversible consequences. Humility allows brokenness to come forth that God may work through us that we may be a blessing to others. As we live each day representing the kingdom of God, let us be determined to keep fighting and standing strong in the faith.
•Keep a fervent prayer life -James 5:16 •Believe that God sees and hears us - 1 Peter 3:12 •Believe God will deliver us out of our troubles - Psalm 34: 17 •Rest in knowing that God has turned his mercy toward us - Psalm 66:20 •Be still and trust God when we are overwhelmed - Psalm 46:10 •Think on the good, lovely, and pure things and the peace of God shall be with us - Philippians 4:8 •Let us walk in our authority for we have been given the keys of the kingdom - Matthew 16:19 •May we continue to build upon our faith - Jude 1: 20 •Keep believing and praying -1 Thessalonians 5:17 •Look to the hills and keep our focus on God’s promises remembering his faithfulness from times past - Psalm 121: 1 •Make our request known to God - Philippians 4: 6 •Be content in God and don't look for new things in the world to fulfill us -1 Timothy 6:6 •Be rooted and built up in him, and established in the faith - Colossians 2:7 • Be watchful in all things - 2 Timothy 4:5 •Remain steady in the faith -Ephesians 4:14 •Speak to our mountains called fear, doubt, insecurity, etc, “This is a lie and I will not receive it, I cast you down in Jesus’ Name" -2 Corinthians 10:5 Ask God to strengthen our faith so we continue to pray for our loved ones, even when their situation is becoming worse -Hebrews 11:6 Set Your Affections on Things Above…
Colossians 3:1 Set- to put in the proper or desired order. God wants us to be heavenly minded. As his children we desire to know more about him and what his kingdom has for us. -Kingdom- a government having a king as its head. -Isaiah 9:7 My established government has no end. God’s conversation with us, his children: "Your experiences throughout life have distorted and scarred your view of love and I need to transform your thinking that your hope may be restored." Matthew 11:28 God invited us, “Come to me and let me lift the burdens on your heart. I want you to learn firsthand of my character and who I am" -Character-the aggregate (total) of features (special attraction) and traits that form the individual’s nature of some person or thing. Matthew 11:29 I want your soul to find rest in me for the world has wearied your soul I John 4:8 My attraction is love St John 3:16 I love u so much, that I allowed my son, Jesus to die in your stead, for your sins against me. You are my creation made in my image and after my likeness, to love others. I want to have an intimate relationship with you on earth that you may live eternally with me in heaven. Matt. 6:33 Learn about my kingdom, want me more than anything else. I have treasures for you in heaven. Make me your priority. -Priority- something given special attention. Get to know me that you will accept me as your heavenly Father, allow me to be head of your life to make all your decisions. -Titus 1:2 My heart is pure -Malachi 3:6 I am loyal- (faithful to one’s oath) -Jeremiah 31:3 I will never stop loving you, for my love surpasses that of people -Rom. 2:11 For I have no respect of persons -Jer.29:11 I have given you a future, an expected end. We expect to live eternally with God When we know God’s promises to us it will move us to want to understand the heart of God that we may be the examples in the earth. St. John 5: 8
A gurney is provided for those who are sick or severely injured and need medical assistance. Unfortunately in this walk with God we may experience being deeply hurt by our brethren in the church, and our injury causes us to feel incapable to function. In spite of our mental and emotional condition, the Apostle Paul comforts us in Philippians 4:19, God will supply all of our needs according to his riches in glory. Therefore, as believers, even though we are wounded we have no reason to remain on the gurney as one who has no help or cannot be totally healed… for God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Psalm 46:1 Jesus and His disciples were in a ship passing to the other side. As they crossed, a storm arose. The winds were so strong and the waves beat into the ship so that it was now full.
The disciples awoke Jesus asking, "Master, do you not care that we are about to die?" Jesus arose and rebuked the wind, "Peace be still" and there was a great calm. When you are in the midst of a storm and it appears that you will perish, or when you are facing a dilemma that is overwhelming, rest assured the same Jesus will speak, "Peace be still" to your life so that you are not destroyed. |
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